Monday, February 22, 2010

Router is mounted!

When I was figuring out how to mount my Dewalt router to my CNC machine I ran into a little "What came first, the chicken or the egg?" Scenario.  I could have hacked together some router mounts but I really wanted some nice and uniform mounts made from UHMW that where beyond my capabilities to make by hand.  So I cheated and went over to my cousins house to use his CNC router to make the mounts =) They came out great, and seeing his machine cut them out really motivated me to get mine done!  The picture above shows the two mounts fresh off the machine.

I wanted the mounts to clamp the router tightly so I machined two pockets into each one so that a bolt and nut could be used to clamp the router in place.  I put a slice down the center of the two pockets and drilled hole in them for the bolt to go.  It is a very solid mount!

In this picture you can see the motor mounts mounted to the Z axis and the router inserted into them.  Even without the two bolts in place to pinch the router it is a very solid and tight fit!

Here is the machine from a distance.  All that is left is installing the motor and ballscrew for the X axis, building and installing the cutting table.  After that it's just a little paint and wiring up the electronics and I'll be able to try it out!

Speaking of the electronics, here is my controller box.  You can see the Breakout board, three stepper drivers, relay board and power supply in the lower half of the box.  The lid contains two fans, the on and off switch, some fuses and a speed controller for the router.

Here is the electronic box with the lid installed.  The white household plug on the lid is used to power the router and the dust remover.  They are each independently controlled by the relay board from the computer to turn each device on and off automatically as needed!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

It's coming together

Since I finished the gantry for the machine the next thing I needed to do was build the base.  I didn't have a big enough workbench in my garage to put the machine on so I built this extension on the end of my work bench.  I spent a lot of time making sure it was level and flat so that the machine will sit evenly.

In this picture you can see the base of the machine starting to take shape!  The can of Mt Dew (the official drink of my garage) is sitting in the front corner of the machine to show scale.  This is a pretty large machine! You can also see that I have placed the Gantry in the frame rails so I could see if everything is coming out like it is drawn in the plans.  More to come soon!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Gantry done!

It took a lot of work but my CNC machine Gantry is done!  Here it is standing up on my work bench.

You can see the "Green Monster" motors that run the show.  They are supposed to be able to put out around 400oz/inches of power, not to shabby!

Here you can see the mount that connects the ballnut to the Z axis to move it side to side.  The ballscrew is so efficient you can grab the Z axis and push it side to side and the ballscrew will turn and allow it to move, its pretty cool to watch.  Next up is building the base!